THE HARTFORD COURANT WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 2009 B9 SCHOOLS PUBLIC NOTICES TUESDAY'S RESULTS, POSTPONEMENTS Rocky Hill Haddam-Killingworth 102, North Branford 48 sec Hand Xavier83, Hillhouse67 Hamden at Cheshire, ppd, today, 3:45 p.m. Connecticut Branford Glastonbury TOWN OF GLASTONBURY INVITATION TO BID Bid a Date and Time Required May 20,2009 11:00 a.m. Fire Security Alarm Monitoring Services CCC East Fermi 19, Bloomfieldl NCCC Ellington 2, Stafford 0 Tolland 7, East Granby 6 Bolton 2, Suffield 1 Canton at Granby, East Windsor at Windsor Locks, today, 3:45 p.m. ECC Windham at Woodstock Academy, today, 4 p.m. Bacon Academy at Ledyard, May 13, 4 p.m.
sec West Haven at Cheshire, May 12,3:45 p.m. Request For Quotation 09-0513 is requesting a proposal from qualified vendors to supply Janitorial PaperSupplies. The bid package may be obtained by e-mail ing Sealed Bids must be received before 12p.m. on 05132009. VENDORS CURRENTLY LISTED IN THE DAS SMALL BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARE ENCOURAGEDTO BID.
All proposals will goto: Attn: Christian Burns 2Summit Place Branford, CT 06405 CCC Inter: South Windsor at Manchester (Manchester CC), 3 p.m.; Bulkeley at East Hartford (Long Hill, East Hartford), 3 p.m.; Bloomfield at Hartford Public (Keney Park, Hartford), 3 p.m.; Newington at Southington (Hawk's Landing, Southington), 3 p.m. NCCC: Canton at Stafford (Quaboag CC, Monson, 3 p.m.; Tolland at East Granby (Fox Run at Copper Hill, East Granby), 3 p.m.; Suffield at Ellington (Ellington Ridge), 3 p.m. Shoreline: Portland at Coginchaug (Lyman Orchards, Middlefield), 3 p.m.; Old Saybrook at Old Lyme (Black Hall, Old Lyme), 3 p.m.; Cromwell at Hale-Ray (Fox Hopyard, East Haddam), 3:15 p.m.; North Branford at East Hampton (Banner Lodge, Mood us), 3:30 p.m. ECC: Bacon Academy at Windham Others: Maloney at Stigberg Memorial Tournament (Farmingbury Hills, Wolcott), 2:30 p.m. Bid Forms may be obtained at the Office of the Purchasing Agent, Town Hall, 2155 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033 (second level) or on the Town's website at The Town reserves the right to waive informalities or reject any part of, or the entire bid, when said action is deemed to be in the best interest of the Town.
All Sealed Bids must be submitted to the Office of the Purchasing Agent no later than the time and date indicated. All bids will be publicly opened and read. Mary F. Visone Purchasing Agent Find the right car for you. CCC North Glastonbury 122, New Britain 26 CCC West Conard Wethersfield 109, Weaver 15 NWC Middletown 80, Berlin 69 Middletown 130, St Paul 5 Berlin 131, St.
Paul 5 Shoreline Westbrook 85, Cromwell 28 North Branford 102, Haddam-Killingworth 30 sec West Haven at Cheshire, ppd, today, 3:45 p.m. Berkshire Shepaug 88, Lewis Mills 62 TODAY'S SCHEDULE 3:45 p.m. unless noted INVITATION TO SUBMIT LEASE PROPOSAL The State of Connecticut, Department of Public Works, will accept lease proposalssite offerings from property owners or their representative(s) through 4 p.m. Tuesday, May 19,2009, to lease Thirty (30) reserved, paved and lighted parking spaces in Litchfield, for use and occupancy by the Judicial Branch for a term of five (5) years, with one (1) or two (2) five (5) year renewal options. Offers from option holders cannot be considered.
The premises must be accessible to handicapped individuals and public transportation. Preference will be given to proponents offering purchase andor renewal options. Proposals should be addressed exclusively to: Department of Public Works State Office Building 165 Capitol Avenue Room G-35 Hartford, CT 06106 Attention: Bidding Contracts Section Solicitation Number: LP 09-08 (Two (2) copies should be submitted) Proposals must be submitted using the State of Connecticut "Proposal to Lease Space" form together with a "Notice of Listing if applicable. Lease proposal information and related forms may be obtained using the "Leasing" link at www.ct.govdpw or by calling (860) 7 13-5600. The submission of a proposal shall not bind the State of Connecticut, nor does it constitute a competitive bid.
The Department of Public Works reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Faxed proposals wi II not be accepted. If you are awarded the subject lease and the lease has a value of $50,000 or more, you will be required to sign and submit, at the time of lease execution, a certification, certifying that you, your company, and specified other individuals nave given no gifts to DPW personnel and other individuals set forth in the ContractorConsultant Certification. See www.ct.govdpw, click on Affidavits, click on ContractorConsultant Certification or see Conn. Gen.
Stat. 4-252. For the purposes of signing the Certification, the "date DPW began planning the subject project or services is April 20,2009. Pursuant to Conn. Gen.
Stat. 4-252(d), any bidder, proposer, or person who responded to a request for qualifications for a contract with a value of $50,000 or more who does not make this certification shall be disqualified. State of Connecticut Department of Public Works Raeanne V. Curtis, Commissioner Connecticut New Haven NOTICE Capco Steel of Providence, Rl is currently soliciting union MBE steel subcontractor's for a project in New Haven Connecticut. The Project name is 360 State Street.
MBE's must be certified in one or more of the following classifications: Precast Erection or Structural Steel Erection. Applicants should send in their qualifications to: Capco Steel, Attn: Joe Laughter, 33 Acorn Providence, Rl 02903. Tel. (401) 861-1220 ext. 145, email:
SCGGL: Haddam-Killingworth at Canton (Tower Ridge, Simsbury), 3 p.m. Others: Bacon Academy at New Britain (Stanley, New Britain), 3 p.m.; Berlin at Newington (Indian Hill, Newington), 3 p.m.; Manchester at East Catholic (Minnechaug, Glastonbury), 3 p.m.; Suffield at Woodstock Academy (Quinnatissett, Thompson), 3 p.m.; NFA at Middletown (Portland West), 3 p.m. CCC Inter Wethersfield at Bristol Central, NCCC Ellington 3, Stafford 1 Somers3, Enfield 2 Windsor Locks at East Windsor, ppd, today, 3:45 p.m. Tolland at East Granby, ppd, today, 3:45 p.m. Coventry at Avon, ppd, TBA Granby at Canton, ppd, TBA CSC Prince Tech at Norwich Tech, ppd.
May 15, 3 p.m. Piatt Tech at Wilcox Tech, ppd. May 12, 4 p.m. Abbott Tech at Vinal Tech, ppd, today, 4 p.m. Shoreline Old Saybrook 12, Morgan 4 sec Derby 5, Guilford 3 Cheshire at Hamden, ppd, today, 3:45 p.m.
BID FORMS ARE AVAILABLE IN THECENTRAL CONNECTICUT STATE UNIVERSITY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT, OR BY PHONING (860) 832-2534, OR BY DOWNLOADING FROM www.das.state.ct.usPurchasePortalPortalHome.asp THOMAS BRODEUR DIRECTOR OF PURCHASING AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTIONEEO EMPLOYER :I.W.-4J;M.J Real Estate Other Liquor Notices Browser CCC North: Glastonbury at Simsbury; East Hartford at Manchester (Northwest Park), 7 p.m.; New Britain at Southington, 7 p.m. CCC South: Newington at Bulkeley; Bristol Central at Bristol Eastern (Muzzy Field), 7 p.m.; Maloney at Piatt (Ceppa Field), 7 p.m. CCC East: Fermi at EO. Smith; Hartford Public at Bloomfield; Rock-ville at South Windsor, 7 p.m. CCC West: Hall at Conard; Windsor at Weaver; Wethersfield at Farming-ton (Tunxis Meade), 7 p.m.
NWC: Berlin at Northwest Catholic; East Catholic at St. Paul; Plainville at RHAM; Middletown at Sport Sciences NCCC: East Windsor at Windsor Locks CSC: University at Abbott Tech, 4 p.m.; Wilcox Tech at O'Brien Tech, 4 p.m.; Shoreline: East Hampton at Cromwell; Old Saybrook at Haddam-Killingworth; Portland at Hale-Ray; Hyde at Morgan; Coginchaug at Valley Regional ECC: Windham at Woodstock Academy, 4 p.m. SCC: Xavier at Hamden Others: Rocky Hill at Cheney Tech; Windham Tech at Plainfield, 4 p.m. 525-2525 CCC North: Manchester at Simsbury CCC South: Bristol Eastern at Bulkeley CCC East: Rockville at Bloomfield; E.O. Smith at Hartford Public NCCC: Canton at Tolland; Ellington at Enfield; East Windsor, Granby at Suffield, 4 p.m.; Coventry, Bolton, East Granby at Somers, 4 p.m.
CSC: Cheney Tech, Vinal Tech at Ellis Tech, 3:30 p.m. Shoreline: Portland at Hyde; Coginchaug at Valley Regional ECC: Bacon Academy at Montville SCC: Hamden at Cheshire Others: Waterford, Windham Tech at Woodstock Academy, 4 p.m. Gr is wo Id LIQUOR PERMIT NOTICE OF APPLICATION This is to give notice that PASQUALE AQUARO 7 HAMILTON CT NORTH HAVEN, CT 06473-3549 Have filed an application placarded 05052009 with the Department of Consumer Protection for a TAVERN LIQUOR PERMIT for the sale of alcoholic liquor on the premises at: 1130 MAPLE AVE HARTFORD, CT 06114-2734 The business will be owned by: GOODWIN PARK RESTAURANT LLC Entertainment will consist of: Disc Jockeys Objections must be filed by 06152009. 05052009 PASQUALE AQUARO INVITATION TO BID FOR INDEFINITE QUANTITY CONSTRUCTION SERVICES The Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) invites sealed bids for four (4) EZIQC (EZ Indefinite Quantity Construction) contracts for use by Members of the Capitol Region Purchasing Council, a program of CRCOG. These are indefinite quantity, indefinite location construction contracts for renovation, repair, and upgrade projects.
There is one contract for each geographic area in Connecticut (Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, Southeast). Each contract has an estimated annual value of $1,000,000. A pre-bid conference will be held on May 13, 2009 at 9am at the South Congregational Church, Stanley Room, 277 Main Street, Hartford, 06106. Bidders are strongly encouraged to attend. Bid documents will be available at the pre-bid conference.
Bidders must have at least $1,000,000 in available bonding capacity to qualify for award. Bids are due as follows: THE NEW GRISWOLD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GRISWOLD, CONNECTICUT CCC Inter Glastonbury 14, Southington 8 Eric Pfeffer had four goals. Records: South Windsor 11, Windsor4 NCCC Zach Thresher had three goals. sec Guilford at Cheshire, ppd. May 21, 7:30 p.m.
INVITATION TO BID SECTION OOTTTnr Sealed proposals for the trade contracts listed below addressed to Town of Griswold School Committee will be received until 1:00 p.m. on the dates listed below at the Griswold Town Hall, Selectman's Office, 28 Main Street, Griswold, CT 06351 and then, at 1:30 p.m. in Meeting Room 12, all bids will be opened publicly and read aloud. Riri Timp Solicitation CT Geographic Area Bid Date 612009 622009 632009 642009 Nortnwest NE-09-EZIQC Northeast SW-09-EZIQC Southwest SE-09-EZIQC Southeast DESCRIPTION Liquor Notices If you have any questions, please contact the office of the CRPC 860-522-2217 237, or e-mail Maureen H.
Barton Program Assistant CCC North: Manchester at Simsbury CCC South: Bristol Eastern at Bulkeley CCC East: Bloomfield at Rockville; E.O. Smith at Hartford Public NCCC: Canton at Tolland; Ellington at Enfield; East Windsor, Granby at Suffield, 3 p.m.; Coventry, Bolton, East Granby at Somers, 4 p.m. Shoreline: Portland at Hyde; Coginchaug at Valley Regional ECC: Bacon Academy at Montville SCC: West Haven at Cheshire BASEBALL Connecticut LIQUOR PERMIT NOTICE OF APPLICATION This is to give notice that GUS KOSTANTAKIS, 35 SUNRISE LN, SOUTH WINDSOR, CT 06074-2060 have filed an application placarded 04242009 with the Department of Consumer Protection for a RESTAURANT LIQUOR PERMIT for the sale of alcoholic liquor on the premises at 2100 S. MAIN MID-DLETOWN, CT 06457-6137. The business will be owned by: MICHAEL JOHN'S PIZZA RESTAURANT BAR INC.
Entertainment will consist of: ACOUSTICS Objections must be filed by 06042009. 4282009 GUS KOSTANTAKIS CCC Glastonbury 20, Windsor 2 Sarah LaRose had four goals. Records: Shoreline Haddam-Killingworth 10, North Branford 7 Emily Anderson had five goals; Kristen Killbourn had four goals. Records: Preps Canterbury 12, Wooster 5 Others Berlin 5, Bacon Academy 4 Records: B-2-7, BA-2-6. Northwest Catholic 10, Newington 8 NC: Kayleigh Donnelly had six goals.
Records: NC-4-5; N-5-3. TRADE PACKAGE NUMBER nn 3.01 4.01 5.01 5.02 6.01 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 8.01 8.02 8.03 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 12.01 14.01 21.01 22.01 23.01 26.02 31.02 BID BID DUE BOND DATE REQUIRED 6909 No 6909 Yes 6909 Yes 6909 Yes 6909 Yes 6909 Yes 6909 No 6909 Yes 6909 Yes 6909 No 6909 No 6909 No 6909 Yes 6909 Yes 6909 No 6909 Yes 6909 No 6909 No 6909 No 6909 No 61109 No 61109 No 61109 No 61109 No 61109 No 61109 No 61109 No 61109 No 61109 No 61109 No 61109 No 61109 Yes 61109 Yes 61109 Yes 61109 Yes 61 109 Yes Final Cleaning Concrete Masonry Architectural Precast Concrete Structural Steel, Joists decking Metal Interior Architectural Woodwork Waterproofing Metal Wall Panels Roofing Roof Accessories Joint Sealants Doors, Frames, Hardware Sectional Doors Aluminum Curtainwall, Entrances, Drywall, Framing Misc. Carpentry CeramicTile Acoustical Ceilings Wood Flooring Resilient Flooring, Resilient Athletic Flooring Carpet Resinous Flooring Painting and High Performance Coatings Specialties Signage Toilet Compartments Accessories Metal Lockers Musicand Library Storage Systems Food Service Equipment Stage Curtains Rigging Gymnasium Equipment Interior Scoreboards Window Treatments Hydraulic Elevators Fire Protection Plumbing HVAC Electrical Sitework, utilities Exterior Improvements CCC North: Simsbury at Glastonbury; Southington at New Britain; Manchester at East Hartford, 7 p.m. CCC South: Bristol Eastern at Bristol Central; Maloney at Piatt; Bulkeley at Newington, 4 p.m. CCC East: EO.
Smith at Fermi; South Windsor at Rockville; Bloomfield at Hartford Public CCC West: Conard at Hall; Farming-ton at Wethersfield; Windsor at Weaver NWC: Sport Sciences at Middle-town; St. Paul at East Catholic; RHAM at Plainville; Northwest Catholic at Berlin, 7 p.m. NCCC: Windsor Locks at East Windsor; Tolland at East Granby CSC: O'Brien Tech at Wilcox Tech, 3:30 p.m.; Cheney Tech at Prince Tech, 3:30 p.m.; Abbott Tech at Vinal Tech (2); Windham Tech at Holy Family; Wilcox Tech at O'Brien Tech, 5:30 p.m. Shoreline: Old Saybrook at Haddam-Killingworth; East Hampton at Cromwell; Westbrook at Old Lyme; Coginchaug at Valley Regional; Portland at Hale-Ray, 7 p.m. ECC: Killingly at Windham, 4 p.m.; Montville at Bacon Academy, 4 p.m.
SCC: Hamden at Cheshire, 3:45 p.m.; Mercy at West Haven, 7 p.m. Others: Rocky Hill at North Branford (2), 3:30 p.m.; Stafford at Goodwin Tech Fermi 19, Bloomfield 1 Bloomfield 000 100 0- 1 55 Fermi 5(11)3 000 x- 19161 WP-Doug Giaccone; LP-Rob Farmer. Records: F-4-6; B-0-10. Liquor Notices CCC Inter Wethersfield 3, Simsbury 1 Max Vaughan 24 kills, 13 digs; Rob Asensio, 8 kills, 5 blocks. Records: Others Lewis Mills 3, Shelton 1 (27-29, Joey Masciangioli, 15 kills, 4 blocks.
Records: L-9-1; S-5-7. LIQUOR PERMIT NOTICE OF APPLICATION This is to give notice that PASQUALE AQUARO 7 HAMILTON CT NORTH HAVEN, CT 06473-3549 Have filed an application placarded 05052009 with the Department of Consumer Protection for a TAVERN LIQUOR PERMIT for the sale of alcoholic liquor on the premises at: 280 TOWER AVE HARTFORD, CT 06120-1055 The business will be owned by: KENEY PARK RESTAURANT LLC Entertainment will consist of: Disc Jockeys Objections must be filed by 06152009. 05052009 PASQUALE AQUARO North Haven at Cheshire, ppd, today, 3:45 p.m. Prospective bidders whose bid exceeds $500,000 must be pre-qualified by the State of Connecticut Department of Administrative Services for the classification of work that they are bidding on. The Construction Schedule for this project will commence in January of 2010 and be completed by July 2012.
A pre-bid meeting will be held for all bidders in the Griswold Middle School cafetorium, located in the Griswold Middle School. The pre-bid meeting will be on May 19,2009 at 3:00 p.m. The pre-bid will focus on the entire scope of work. Another pre-bid meeting will be held on May 2 1,2009 at 3:00 p.m. at the FIP Construction trailer for the Griswold Middle School focusing primarily on the site work portion of the project All contactors are encouraged to attend one of the pre-bid meetings.
Attendance is NOT mandatory. Sets of the Griswold Elementary School plans and specifications must be ordered and reserved prior to pick-up and may be obtained at Joseph Merritt Company. The nonrefundable purchase price for bidding documents includes tax and shipping; checks shall be made payable to Joseph Merritt Company. A full or partial set of plans and specifications may be purchased from Joseph Merritt Company at the cost of printing. Addenda will automatically be sent out to plan holders.
Contractors who intend to bid are to contact Dean Carosella of Joseph Merritt Company at their Waterbury location: Ellington 2, Stafford 0 Ellington 100 000 1 2 3 0 Stafford 000 000 0 0 34 WP-BenKapinos; LP-MattPurnell. Records: Tolland 7, East Granby 6 East Granby 101 103 0 6 8 2 Tolland 500 200 x- 744 Cassidy; LP-Steve Mattil. Records: 5-6; T-7-5. Bolton 2, Suffield 1 Suffield 000 001 0 1 5 2 Bolton 010 010 2 3 0 WP-Jordan Richard; LP-Eric Washburn. Records: S-3-9; B-3-9.
Cromwell 8, Valley Regional 7 Cromwell 203 110 1- 870 Valley Regional 030 000 4 764 WP-Bobby Jordan; LP-Tim Mesite. Records: Old Lyme 8, Westbrook 6 Westbrook 010 230 0 6 10 1 Old Lyme 214 010 8 111 WP-Nick Sazzino; LP-Dan Cummins. Records: W-2-9; 0-7-5. SOFTBALL CCC Inter: Simsbury at Conard, 5 p.m. CCC WEst: Farmington at Hall, 4 p.m.
Preps: Cheshire Academy at Gunnery, 3 p.m.; Westminster at Berkshire, 3 p.m.; Suffield Academy at Kingswood-Oxford, 4:30 p.m. Others: Bacon Academy at Norwich Tech, 4 p.m. Joseph Merritt Company 488Watertown Avenue Waterbury, CT 06708 Phone: 203.753.2721 Fax: 203.753.0208 Joseph Merritt Company 167 Parkway North Cross Road Plaza 06385 Phone: 860.444.9627 Fax: 860.444.4477 SCC: Branford at Mercy Contract Documents are as prepared by Kaestle Boos Associates, Inc. Plans and specifications may be seen at the following locations: FIP Construction, Inc. 10 McKee Place Cheshire, CT 06410 McGraw HillDodge 650 Franklin Avenue Hartford, CT 06114 1257 Southford Road Southbury, CT 06488 CCC South: Glastonbury at Maloney, 5 p.m.; Newington at Southington, 6 p.m.
CCC East: East Hartford at Rockville, 5 p.m.; South Windsor at Fermi, 5 p.m. CCC West: Wethersfield at Conard, 5 p.m.; Hall at Simsbury, 5 p.m. Others: Wolcott Tech at Cheney Tech, 4 p.m.; Xavier at Lewis Mills, 5 p.m.; Farmington at Enfield, 5 p.m. NOTICE OF TENTATIVE DETERMINATION INTENT TO RENEW A NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM PERMIT AND ISSUE A STATE PERMIT FOR THE FOLLOWING DISCHARGES INTO THE WATERS OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT TENTATIVE DETERMINATION The Commissioner of Environmental Protection hereby gives notice of a tentative determination to renew a permit based on two applications submitted by Windsor-Stevens, Inc. under section 22a-430 of the Connecticut General Statutes for a permit to discharge i nto the waters of the state.
In accordance with applicable federal and state law, the Commissioner has made a tentative determination that continuance of the existing discharge would not cause pollution of the waters of the state and the Commissioner proposes to renew a permit for the discharge to the Rainbow Brook. In accordance with applicable federal and state law, the Commissioner has made a tentative determination that continuance of the existing system to treat the discharge would protect the waters of the state from pollution and the Commissioner proposes to renew a permit for the discharge to the Farmington River and issue a permit for a discharge to the groundwaters in the Farmington River watershed. The proposed permit, if issued by the Commissioner, will require that all wastewater be treated to meet the applicable effluent limitations. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL Windsor-Stevens, Inc. presently discharges a maximum daily flow of 576,000 gallons per day of the overflow of the intake water from the Farmington River to the Rainbow Brook from the pulp and paper mill operations at an electrical insulation fiberboard manufacturing facility.
Windsor-Stevens, Inc. presently discharges a maximum daily flow of 506,000 gallons per day of treated non-integrated heavy paper mill and backwash showers wastewater in two unlmed settling basins to the Farmington River from the pulp and paper mill operations at an electrical insulation fiberboard manufacturing facility. The name and mailing address of the permit applicant are: Wi ndsor-Stevens, P.O Box 500, Poquonock, CT 06064. The activity takes place at: about 513 feet southwest of 99 StevensMMl Road, Windsor, CT 06095. REGULATORY CONDITIONS Type of Treatment DSN001-1: No treatment is necessary settling basins DSN301-A, 301-B, 301-C: Groundwater discharge.
No treatment is necessary Effluent Limitations This permit contains effluent limitations consistent with Best Available Technology (BAT), Best Practicable Technology (BPT), a Case-by-Case Determination using the criteria of Best Professional Judgment and which will meet Water Quality Standards including the anti-degradation policy. In accordance with section 22a-430-4(l) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies the permit contains effluent limitations for the following types of toxic substances: heavy metals, phenols, and baseneutral organic compounds. COMMISSIONER'S AUTHORITY The Commissioner of Environmental Protection is authorized to approve or deny such permits pursuant to section 402(b) of the Federaf Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 USC 1251, et. seq. and section 22a-430 of the Connecticut General Statutes and the Water Discharge Permit Regulations (section 22a-430-3 and 4 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies).
INFORMATION REQUESTS The application has been assigned the following numbers by the Department of Environmental Protection. Please use these numbers when corresponding with this office regarding this application. APPLICATION NO. 199804955 PERMIT NO. CT0003441 FACILITY ID NO.
164-012 APPLICATION NO. 200203255 PERMIT NO. SP0002436 FACILITY ID NO. 164-012 Interested persons may obtain copies of the application from Ralph Tropeano, Windsor-Stevens, Inc. P.O Box 500 Poquonock, CT 06064 (860) 683-1515.
The application is available for inspection by contacting Enna Herrera at (860) 424-3018, at the Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT, 06106-5127 from 8:30 4:30, Monday through Friday. Any interested person may request in writing that his or her name be put on a mailing list to receive notice of intent to issue any permit to discharge to the surface waters of the state. Such request may be for the entire state or any geographic area of the state and shall clearly state in writing the name and mailing address of the interested person and the area for which notices are requested. PUBLIC COMMENT Prior to making afinal decision to approve or deny any application, the Commissioner shall consider written comments on the application from interested persons that are received within 30 days of this public notice. Written comments should be directed to Enna Herrera, Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance, Department of Environmental Protection, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT, 06106-5127.
The Commissioner may hold a public hearing prior to approving or denying an application if in the Commissioner's discretion the public interest will be best served thereby, and shall hold a hearing upon receipt of a petition signed by at least twenty-five persons. Notice of any public hearing shall be published at least 30 days priorto the hearing. Oswald Director Water Permitting and Enforcement Division Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance Dated: 552009 WEATHER ALERTS Sign-up today at CCC North Simsbury 157, Manchester 193 Medalist: Pat O'Brien and J.R. Foster, Simsbury, 38 at Simsbury Farms. Southington 165, East Hartford 192 Medalist: Jim O'Hara, Southington, 39 at Long Hill, East Hartford.
CCC South Maloney 156, Bulkeley 241 Medalist: Spencer Wedge, Maloney, 36 at Goodwin Park, Hartford. CCC East Fermi 149, Hartford Public 237 Medalist: Brandon Chicorka, Fermi, 33 at Keney Park, Hartford. South Windsor 167, E.0. Smith 179 Medalist: Cal Hedberg, South Windsor, 36 at Willimantic CC. CCC West Farmington 157, Conard 168 Medalist: Josh Edelson, Farming-ton, 36 at Farmington CC.
Wethersfield 163, Windsor 176 Medalist: Andrew Hock, Wethersfield, 38 at Wethersfield CC. NWC Northwest Catholic 156, RHAM 164 Medalist: Brendan Lemp, Northwest Catholic, 35 at Wampanoag, West Hartford. East Catholic 158, St. Paul 177, Middletown 208 Medalist: Greg Horvath, East Catholic, 37 at Lyman Orchards, Middle-field. Berlin 154, Plainville 179, Rocky Hill 191 Medalist: Mike Scheyd, Berlin, 37 at Tunxis Plantation, Farmington.
NCCC Somers 164, Windsor Locks Medalist: Garrett Marschall, Somers, 36 at Elmcrest, East Long-meadow, Mass. Shoreline Cromwell 181, Hale-Ray 193, Old Lyme 199 Medalist: Semso Cecunjanian, Cromwell, 41 at TPC River Highlands, Cromwell. Morgan 180, North Branford 205 Medalist: Ron Hurst, Morgan, 41, at Tradition, Wallingford. CSC Wilcox Tech 203, Vinal Tech 22 Medalist: John Thornton, Wilcox Tech, 43 at Hunter, Meriden. Others Coventry 175, Cheney Tech 189, Norwich Tech 196 Medalist: Derek LaHouse, Cheney Tech, 41 at Manchester CC.
Ellington 3, Stafford 1 Stafford 000 000 1 1 4 1 Ellington 010 101 3 6 3 WP-Morgan McPartland; LP-Jody Buckley. Records: S-2-8; 10-2. Suffield 12, Bolton 2 Bolton 020 000 0 2 2 0 Suffield 138 000 x- 12 7 4 WP-Lauren Mercik; LP-Jaime Harvey. Records: B-4-7; S-8-2. Somers 3, Enfield 2 Enfield 002 000 0 2 5 4 Somers 000 021 3 7 0 WP-Jojo Meunier; LP-Courtney Canella.
Records: E-3-7; S-8-4. Of note: Meunier had 14 strikeouts. Old Saybrook 12, Morgan 4 Morgan 000 400 0- 484 OldSaybrook 080 004 x- 1283 WP-Kasey Commander; LP-An-drea Lee. Records: M-3-8; 0-4-8. Cromwell 4, Valley Regional 1 Cromwell 101 000 2- 482 Valley Regional 000 001 0- 122 WP Gillian Pitruzzello; LP-Julia Alldredge.
Records: C-4-7; V-4-7. BOYS VOLLEYBALL CCC Inter: Southington at South Windsor; East Hartford at Maloney; Bulkeley at Rockville; EO. Smith at Bristol Central; Newington at Fermi; Manchester at Wethersfield NWC: Berlin at Northwest Catholic NCCC: Bolton at Canton; Tolland at Windsor Locks; Enfield at Suffield CSC: Prince Tech at Kaynor Tech, 3:30 p.m.; Wilcox Tech at Abbott Tech, 4 p.m.; Grasso Tech at Classical, 4 p.m. Shoreline: North Branford at Old Lyme; Morgan at Haddam-Killingworth; Old Saybrook at Valley Regional; East Hampton at Portland ECC: Windham at Woodstock Academy; Bacon Academy at East Lyme SCC: Xavier at West Haven; Cheshire at Law Berkshire: Housatonic at Lewis Mills Others: East Catholicat Hall; Avon at Glastonbury; Windsor at RHAM; Rocky Hill at Farmington Pets The project can also be viewed on FIP Construction's FTP site. Instructions on how to view the documents using Windows Explorer are as follows.
Documents cannot be viewed using your Internet Browser. 1. Click on the green "Start" icon on the bottom left of your desktop 2. Click on "All Programs" 3. Goto Accessories 4.
Clickon Windows Explorer 5. Type i the address line towards the top of the screen 6. Username: GriswoldElem 7. Password: gesl380 This project is being performed under the Construction Management form of contract. With respect to this project, the Construction Manager is the representative of the Owner.
The Owner shall approve the Construction Manager's award of all trade contracts. Each Trade Contractor's contract shall be with the Construction Manager. The Owner, the Town of Griswold, has contracted with FIP Construction, Inc. to serve as the Construction Manager. No oral, telephone or telegraphic proposals will be considered.
All bids shall stand available for acceptance for a period of sixty (60) days from the date proposals are received. The construction schedule does not begin until January of 2010. Submission of a Bid shall be considered an acknowledgment and acceptance of the scheduled on-site construction start date of early January 2010. Bids must include all anticipated labor and material costs from that date through project completion. Escalation, material price increases and labor cost increases will not be considered as reasons meriting a contract change order.
No bid shall be accepted from any personcompany who is in arrears to the Owner upon debt, or contract, or who is a defaulter as surety or otherwise upon obligations to the Owner. The Owner andor Construction Manager reserve the right to reject any or all bids, without stating reasons therefore, including without limitation the right to reject any or all nonconforming, non-responsive, unbalanced, or conditional bids and to reject the bid of any bidder if the Owner andor Construction Manager believes that it would not be in the best interest of the Owner or the project to make an award to that bidder, whether because the bid is not responsive or the bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by the Owner andor Construction Manager. The Owner andor Construction Manager reserve the right to waive irregularities in the bidding. The Construction Manager shall retain the right to negotiate contract terms with one or more bidders without reopening the bidding process insofar as such negotiations are not violative of applicable competitive bidding statutes or law. The Construction Manager reserves the right to award the contract to other than the low bidder if deemed in the best interest of the Town of Griswold.
In the event of a tie low bid, the Owner reserves the right to take into account the residency of bidders within the Town of Griswold andor location of the bidder's business within the Town of Griswold in awarding the bid. In evaluating bids, the Owner andor Construction Manager will consider the qualifications of the bidder, whether or not the bids comply with the prescribed requirements, and such alternates, unit prices, and other data, as may be requested in the Form of Bid or prior to Notice of Award. The Owner andor Construction Manager may consider the qualification and experience of subcontractors and other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the work as to which the identity of subcontractors and other persons and organizations must be submitted as providedby the bid documents. The Owner andor Construction Manager reserve the right to require, prior to Notice of Award, a statement of facts in detail of the business and technical organization and plant of the bidder available for the contemplated work, including financial resources, present commitments, and experience of the bidder in performance of comparable work. A Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and an acceptable Surety company or companies as are authorized to do business in the State of Connecticut in an amount equal to ten percent (10) of the total Bid shall be submitted with each bid as noted above.
Bids which fail to contain a Bid Bond Security as stated above will be rejected as non-responsive. Attention is called to the following: General ConditionsforAllTrades. "Instructionsto Bidders" shall be followed in all respects. No less than the State of Connecticut Department of Labor prevailing minimum salaries and wages as listed in the project manual shall be paid on this project. Certified payroll shall be required and submitted weekly on the form provided in the Project Manual.
All pertinent regulations, ordinances of the Town andor the State of Connecticut will be rigidly enforced. The successful bidder shall be required to sign the FIP Construction, Inc. "Subcontract Agreement" contained within the bidding documents with no exceptions. Certificate of Insurance and approved schedule of values must accompany the executed Subcontract. In addition, each requisition must be accompanied by interim lien wavers, vendor and subcontractor lien wavers, certified payroll, contractor's statement of legal employees and Contractor Megan's Law Affidavit.
All Subcontractors shall comply with any FIP health and safety requirements during construction. The following documents shall also be submitted along with the Form of Proposal and completed in its entirety: Form of Proposal Cost Quantity Breakdown Form Bid Bond A310, if required (See Invitation to Bid) AIA Document A305 Statement of Bidders Qualifications DAS Certification if Bid is over $500,000 Federal Excise Taxes or State of Connecticut Sales Taxes: Bidders shall not include Federal Excise Taxes or State of Connecticut Sales Taxes from which Public Schools are BrGwser 525-2525 Records through Tuesday; First-place votes in parentheses: Team Points W-L l.Staples-Westport 278(11) 9-0 2. Newington 243 (2) 8-0 3. Fairfield Warde 222 (1) 10-0 4. Masuk-Monroe 216 10-0 5.
Glastonbury 18 17-1 6. Lewis Mills 162(1) 9-1 7. Southington 152 8-1 8. Farmington 109 8-1 9. NFA 108 6-2 10.
Trumbull 65 8-3 Voters: Pat Ryan, Glastonbury; Curt Burns, Newington; Fred Huhn, Cheney Tech; Janice May, East Hartford; Ryan Woodcock, Shelton; Dave Cypher, Amity; Jeff Giovacchino, Oxford; Rich Trczinski, Bloomfield; Sue Bavone, Cheshire; Laurie LaRusso, Darien; Jared Albert, South Windsor; Megan Miller, Masuk; Bruce Betts, Staples; Garrett Covino, Fairfield; Pam Cloutier, Maloney CCC Inter: Maloney at Hall; Rockville at East Hartford; Piatt at Conard; South Windsor at Newington; Southington at Bristol Eastern; Weaver at Bulkeley NWC: Northwest Catholic at Berlin; St. Paul at East Catholic; RHAM at Plainville NCCC: Coventry at Ellington; Canton at Bolton; Windsor Locks at Tolland; Suffield at Enfield; Avon at East Granby Shoreline: Coginchaug at Cromwell; Valley Regional at Old Saybrook; Old Lyme at North Branford; Haddam-Killingworth at Morgan ECC: Woodstock Academy at Windham; East Lyme at Bacon Academy SCC: North Haven at Cheshire Berkshire: Lewis Mills at Housatonic Others: Prince Tech at Hartford Public, 3:30 p.m.; Windsor at EO. Smith; Wilcox Tech at Sheehan; Simsbury at Hand; Farmington at NWC Farmington 187, Northwest Catholic 230 Medalist: Jenn Whaley, Farming-ton, 45 at Farmington CC. SCGGL Mercy 209, Haddam-Killingworth 288 Medalist: Katie Guptill, Mercy, 47 at Indian Springs, Middlefield. Others Berlin 212, Glastonbury 216, Masuk230 Medalist: Morgan Powers, Glastonbury, 44 at Glastonbury Hills.
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CCC North Glastonbury 81, New Britain 59 Southington 128, East Hartford 22 CCC South Newington 85, Maloney 63 CCC East South Windsor 91, Fermi 54 CCC West Farmington 89, Conard 61 Wethersfield 110, Weaver 40 NWC Middletown 73, Berlin 77 Berlin 128, St. Paul 10 Middletown 126, St Paul 10 Shoreline Westbrook 81, Cromwell 28 at cou rant com or call 860.525.2525 or 800.842.8824.