Our Planet: The One Place We All Call Home (2024)


13.7k reviews418 followers

July 8, 2020

A gorgeous book about our planet. Our home. About animals, about plants, about what we could do to save the planet, because we can. Quite often I avoid books that preach about OMG we are doing bad and we need to do better and the world will end because it just makes me sad (and I am already sad enough most of the time, especially lately). But this one I couldn't leave and I am glad I brought it with me as it was an absolutely stunning book featuring tons of information and the preach levels aren't too high, it was all very nice and polite (if that is the correct word, I am sure in Dutch I could do better). It was way more positive than most books like this. We can save the world. There are possibilities. There are still chances. We just have to grab them.
The art in the book is beautiful, the photographs are pretty. The information about animals and various biomes was interesting and fun to read.

    5-twinkling-stars children-s-books non-fiction


686 reviews26 followers

February 24, 2020

Leuke eyeopener met pracht van platen. Het maakt je bewust wat de mens veroorzaakt. Het fijne is dat na elk hoofdstukken een paar tips worden gegeven om je bewustwording te vergroten en je te helpen je leven met kleine dingen aan te passen. Helaas zijn ze heel algemeen en hierdoor te breed te interpreteren. De informatie is kort en bondig en alleen waarschijnlijk niet genoeg. Ik heb de serie vorig jaar op Netflix gekeken en voor degenen die dat ook hebben gedaan is dit boek een mooie een waardevolle aanvulling.

Sophie Crane

4,783 reviews170 followers

May 3, 2023

We loved the variation of nature in this book, as well as the blend of photography and artwork. The text was not too overwhelming either as little paragraph long snippets of information. A gorgeous book to share and discuss.

    animals giveaway plants

Adriana Merry

220 reviews68 followers

December 17, 2023



276 reviews12 followers

April 12, 2020

Through tropical jungles and endless oceans, from icy landscapes to arid deserts, Matt Whyman takes us on an unforgettable journey to the furthest corners of the world as we learn about our world's extraordinary wildlife.

Whyman has presented us with a glorious visual feast in Our Planet. Featuring a combination of remarkable photographs and charming illustrations from acclaimed artist, Richard Jones, each page breaths colour, energy and heart. As equally informative as it is captivating, this wonderful celebration of life is overflowing with fascinating facts, precise text and true stories, along with tips and advice on protecting and preserving our climate.

As the official children’s book to the Netflix original documentary series, Our Planet is conveniently divided into each ecosystem to complement each episode, perfect for children to follow along with, or pleasurably dip in and out of.

A beautiful love song to our planet. This book will be treasured by many.

Cilie (Bobos Bøger)

151 reviews5 followers

December 7, 2020

Flotte billeder og spildt potentiale.

WWF og Netflix har slået sig sammen om at lave naturdokumentarserien 'Vores planet'. Serien er god og kan klart anbefales. Dette er så bogversionen. Det er vigtigt at pointerer!

Bogen indeholder en række rigtig flotte billeder fra serien, men også af ukendte grunde en del illustrationer, hvor jeg undres over de fleste, da de erstatter et fotografisk billede og dermed ikke giver nogen nyværdi. Det samme gælder desværre teksten, der mest af alt har karakter af at være en transskription af seriens narrativ.
Bogen bringer ikke noget nyt med sig til den der har set serien, den er en tand for moraliserende til min smag og det er lidt et mysterium hvem målgruppen egentlig er.

Jan Christophersen

228 reviews7 followers

June 2, 2021

En bog rettet mod børn, men med nogle underlige valg.
Hvorfor forklarer man hvad ækvator er, men ikke diversitet (før til allersidst i ordforklaringen) ?

Bogen er klart stilet mod børn i sprog og tegninger. Og så alligevel, for hvad skal afsnittene om, hvad vi kan gøre for miljøet, så gøre godt for? Det er vel de færreste børn, der står for indkøb og kan fravælge fossile brændstoffer.
Som løftet pegefinger overfor en forældre, det læser højt, er det i hvert fald meget uelegant udført.

De store billeder i bogen er til gengæld flotte.

Răzvan Ursuleanu

Author1 book18 followers

November 26, 2024

“Planeta noastră” este o carte pe care ne bucurăm să o avem în bibliotecă pentru fotografiile superbe care însoțesc fiecare text, atât și nimic mai mult. Sau, ca să ne fie și mai clar, “Planeta noastră” este o carte cu poze pentru copii și în niciun caz o carte pentru oamenii mari, deoarece aceștia sunt cu siguranță familiarizați cu toate chestiunile ce sunt dezbătute la fiecare pagină.

De fapt, nu cred că mai există vreun cititor matur care să nu cunoască deja întregul conținut. De exemplu, preț de câteva capitole, se face referire la încălzirea globală și la speciile de animale amenințate cu dispariția. Mai sunt menționate, de asemenea, masivele defrișări de păduri, poluarea apelor curgătoare, poluarea mărilor și oceanelor (da, ne-am prins, este vorba despre teritoriul ce nu face parte din regiunea de uscat a planetei, nu era necesar să insistăm…) și procesul accelerat de deșertificare a unor zone întinse.

Alte exemple? Desigur. Reducerea îngrijorătoare a zonelor ce reprezintă un habitat natural pentru păsări și pentru animale, pescuitul oceanic masiv (ce pune într-un real pericol echilibrul piscicol planetar), și bineînțeles poluarea (nu doar a apelor, ci în general).

Nu, acum serios, mai există cineva care să nu stăpânească pe deplin acest bagaj de informații? Avea oare rost să mai răsară o carte în care să ni se repete încă o dată toate aceste lucruri arhicunoscute? Frumos ar fi fost ca Matt Whyman, autorul textelor, să lase în “Planeta noastră” doar pozele și eventual prefața scrisă de David Attenborough, altceva nu era necesar…

Foarte curios mi s-a părut și faptul că pe parcursul acestei lucrări ne sunt prezentate diferite sfaturi care să ne ajute să contribuim și noi la stoparea degradării planetei noastre. Deci chiar nu am înțeles de ce se face referire și la noi, cititorii…

Ce treabă avem noi, cititorii, cu stoparea degradării planetei noastre, când există persoane autorizate care se ocupă de această chestiune. Cercetători, diverși oameni de știință, organizații abilitate, practic o pleiadă de indivizi care pentru asta sunt ei plătiți, să se ocupe.

Adevărul este că a ajuns să se exagereze cu cererile pentru realizarea de activități ce nu sunt recompensate financiar. Suntem sătui până peste cap de tot acest “pro bono publico”, și mai ales acum, când avem de gestionat atâtea probleme personale, cum ar fi de exemplu joburile, facturile sau locurile de parcare.

Așadar, pe viitor, o carte despre planeta Pământ care să aibă doar poze frumos colorate eu zic că ar fi un demers suficient.


Beth Filar Williams

326 reviews

February 5, 2020

This book was lovely - the images, drawings and photos. It was divided well into sections by ecosystems. The story and facts about our planet by region, and info on human impact and how we might help with climate change. I would have rated even higher except honestly I thought it was way too large of physical size to easily read and that was a big turn-off for me.


1,278 reviews17 followers

March 19, 2020

As an Attenborough fan, this book is a delight & just the sort of thing I would have devoured as a kid myself. It has just enough information about each ecosystem in our world to engage enquiring minds, along with gorgeous pictures of course. The book uses an interesting mix of painting/drawing and photographs. It also includes some steps we can take to protect each ecosystem.

January 29, 2020

Seems pretty solid, really gorgeous photos and nice illustrations. Has table of contents, index, and glossary. I wish as well as broad sweeping declarations it would also give more hands on kid sized things to do to try to improve the environment.


16 reviews1 follower

July 5, 2020

Este livro deveria ser lido em todas as escolas ! Pois é atrativo às crianças e de forma simples e eficaz trás muito conteúdo de reflexão e empatia pelos que compartilham o planeta conosco! E que assim pudessem crescer com a mente moldada a melhorar e a cuidar do nosso planeta e quem vive nele! ⠀


84 reviews

April 25, 2024

A great book about Earth and the importance of environmental protection. The author weaves scientific insights with compelling narratives in which kids are not only educated but they are inspired to reflect on their role in preserving the environment.


104 reviews2 followers

March 20, 2021

My god children love this book ❤


2 reviews2 followers

May 4, 2022

Quite Informative!

Lilly M

39 reviews

March 18, 2024

I'm a school teacher and I read this book to my students. The information was clear and easy to understand and we all enjoyed learning and discussing the changes occurring in biomes across the globe.


214 reviews4 followers

January 27, 2020

Each chapter of this book complements an episode of the Netflix series of the same name. Written with younger readers in mind, the information is split into short sections with facts, illustrations and photographs taking readers on a journey through the icy poles, tropical forests and desert plains and everywhere in between.

With tips on how to care for the planet we inhabit it is perfect for the young nature lover full of fascinating facts that could teach most readers something new whatever their age.

Now I need to go and watch the series!

I received an eARC from the publishers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

    2020-read january-2020-read

Insert Name Here

346 reviews8 followers

September 25, 2019

This beautiful book is a companion to the Netflix series. Stunning photos and illustrations show the great diversity of life in some of the remotest parts of our planet.

This book is specially designed for children as a companion to the series, with each chapter corresponding to an episode and featuring a different area of the planet, from frozen icy wastes to rich underwater communities. The book is illustrated in a mix of photos and cartoon-ish drawings. The colours are simply amazing; I spent a long time on certain ones, poring over them. I'd planned to give this book to a nephew when I'd read it, but I think now I'll keep it, at least for a while. I want to be able to look at it whenever I like. This is a book that demands slow reading, studying. Online reviews and spreads do it no justice at all.

The information is well written, too, simple enough for children without talking down to them. It's a fine line and one this book walks very well. Children will be entertained as they're learning - for instance, did you know that elephants can dig wells if their rivers dry up? I didn't!

The only problem I have with the book is that on a couple of pages, the black writing is set against deep blue sea water, making it difficult to read. It's not impossible, and that just is the colour of the picture so there wasn't much choice, but it did take a bit of effort.

That tiny nitpick aside, though, this is a wonderful, amazing book and is sure to be a hit with everyone who opens it.



135 reviews

October 23, 2019

An absolutely perfect book to hook the next generation of nature lovers. Beautifully illustrated and more than enough interesting information to entice young minds to care about the environment.


Thank you so much the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a complimentary electronic copy in return for an honest review.


1,044 reviews

March 29, 2020

What a wonderfully amazing, comprehensive look at planet Earth and its inhabitants. Wildly appropriate for young minds, this book introduces everyone to the many ecosystems of the world, the creatures who live there, and the ways in which the world is changing all around them.

    animals fox green


94 reviews4 followers

January 5, 2021

An amazing book!

Our Planet: The One Place We All Call Home (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.