Reclamatie prozaK :3 (2024)

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REZOLVATReclamatie prozaK :3

Daca intampinati probleme la logare, folositi functia "Lost your password" sau add discord: Dey.#3590 (dey.wtfcs) . Multumim!

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[REZOLVAT]Reclamatie prozaK :3

Author : Ninu,Category : Reclamaţii Admini,4 Replyes,748 Views


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01-01-2021, 08:25 PM


Va salut.
fac o raclamatie impotriva adminuluiprozaK :3 deoarece foloseste cuvinte obscene, schimba mapa fara votsi foloseste comenzi pe admini

[AmX_SS] S-a facut poza jucatorului "Ninu" de admin "prozaK :3" (12.30.2020 - 18:06:45) [AmX_SS]

[AmX_SS] S-a facut poza jucatorului "Ninu" de admin "prozaK :3" (12.30.2020 - 18:06:46) [AmX_SS]

[AmX_SS] S-a facut poza jucatorului "Ninu" de admin "prozaK :3" (12.30.2020 - 18:06:47) [AmX_SS]

[AmX_SS] Un admin ti-a facut poze, acestea le gasesti in directorul cstrike si numele lor este relevant cu harta ce ruleaza in

[WtfCs] Recrutam Admini.Detalii pe You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. sectiunea Anunturi Server.

prozaK :3 killed Ninu with glock18

Scoring will not start until both teams have players

Scoring will not start until both teams have players
prozaK :3 : ai 3 min
(ALL) Ninu : nu ai voie comenzi admin pe admin
prozaK :3 : da
prozaK :3 : ai 3 min
prozaK :3 : sa dai pozele
[WtfCs] Pentru a schimba harta folositi comanda: rtv in chat.
*** .[sKy^Le]'doWn*illegal killed prozaK :3 with a headshot from deagle ***
(ALL) Ninu : nu ai voie comenzi admin pe admin
prozaK :3 : tu da pozele
prozaK :3 : si taci
*SPEC* prozaK :3 : astept pozele..

Welcome to Xmas.WtfCs.Com # Christmas Mod
*SPEC* prozaK :3 : trece timpu
amx_sayYou are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
(ALL) Ninu : You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
*SPEC* prozaK :3 : azi
*SPEC* prozaK :3 : coae





Points: 0€

01-02-2021, 08:39 PM


I. Scumpul meu Ninu, dat fiind faptul ca si tu (m-ai mutat de la o echipa la alta fara a da check la consola sa vezi daca sunt admin sau nu si oricum, si daca as face parte din categoria playerilor, nu stiu de unde ar fi tupeul sa ma muti ca pe o jucarie, dar am iertat-o, ti-ai cerut scuze si am decis sa nu vorbesc cu niciun fondator deoarece nu intram aici sa facem scandal, ci sa fim colegi, ca si asa suntem putini si trebuie sa ne ajutam unul pe altul). Dovada You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. , in caz ca cineva e sceptic! (Totusi, rog pe aceasta cale sa nu i se faca nimic, i-am acceptat scuzele, deci nu doresc sa se impuna nicio masura disciplinara).

II. Prozak. Dragutul meu, eu te-am recomandat lui Dey si i-am spus ca am stat, am vorbit cu tine si ca mi-ai parut un baiat ok. Avand in vedere ca suntem in lipsa de admini, cat si de playeri, era de bun augur sa facem un staff cat mai stufos, in caz ca cineva are nevoie sau apare vreun codat care are chef sa fie Grinch-ul sarbatorilor noastre, il "executi". In schimb, comenzile pe admin sunt strict interzise (asta-i suna si lui Ninu pe viitor) si limbajul acesta si comportamentul conferit mai sus (daca log-urile sunt corecte), nu denota decat ca nu ai inteles ca adminatul nu e despre putere si despre "a fi cu nasul pe sus", e un grad, nu o putere, ai functii de a ghida pe altii, nu de a fi superior, si nu, nu asa se face dragul meu, daca citeai regulamentul calumea, vedeai ca, nu doar comenzile, cat si jignirile, certurile si atacurile intre admin sunt strict interzise pe server. Il vedeai pe Ninu suspect, faceai un demo, dadeai fondatorilor in privat sau ii faceai o reclamatie.

Din pacate dupa cele vazute spun Pro avertisment Prozak pentru faptele de mai sus, sa speram c-a inteles ceva si ca nu mai repeta faptele si ca fiecare merita a-2-a sansa. An nou fericit, numai bine!





Points: 0€

01-03-2021, 12:54 AM


Draga mea Saffiri , da e adevarat ca nu am verificat daca esti admin, mi-am cerut scuze in secunda urmatoare dar te-am mutat pentru ca inechipa adversa era un singur playersi juca foarte slab ,ma gandeam sa nu iasa afara de pe sv ca sunt multi care ies cand nu fac fata.
Lui prozak chiar daca i-am zis ca sunt admin nu a contat iar vocabularul folosit lasa de dorit.

PS nu stiam ca sunt admini fara Steam, dar imi asum greseala ca te-am mutat fara sa verific.





Points: 0€

01-03-2021, 02:50 AM


Dupa cum am zis, fara sa mai fac alt off, ai cerut scuze si am cerut expres sa nu ti se faca vreun rau, deoarece e dorinta mea si stiu ca n-ai facut-o cu intentie, doar voiam sa egalizez fortele si sa-l apar putin pe Vladut, din pacate a gresit si cel putin un avertisment ar merita, sanatate, numai bine!



Fondator WtfCs


Points: 0€

01-03-2021, 12:57 PM


Ma indoiesc ca o sa apara si @nwch. pe aici sa isi spuna punctul de vedere. Are ceva timp de cand nu a mai intrat pe forum ( Last Visit:09.12.2020, 22:13 ) . Ca idee, la urmatoarea abatere are remove. Restul discutiilor de mai sus nu le mai iau in seama, vad ca v-ati inteles intre voi pana la urma.

P.S: daca il vedeti pe @nwch. ( "prozaK :3" ) pe server, sa ii spuneti voi ca mai avem si forum care trebuie vizitat.


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Reclamatie  prozaK :3 (2024)


Is fluoxetine a strong antidepressant? ›

How does fluoxetine compare with other antidepressants? Fluoxetine is no better or worse than other antidepressants. However, sometimes people respond better to one antidepressant than to another. Talk to your doctor if you are not feeling any better after 6 weeks.

What is the hardest antidepressant to come off of? ›

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are the most likely antidepressants to cause withdrawal symptoms. Listed according to their risk of causing withdrawal, they include: With a high risk of withdrawal: Desvenlafaxine (Khedezla, Pristiq)

Will I lose weight coming off fluoxetine? ›

Most people find that when they stop taking antidepressants, their weight returns to how it was before they started the medication.

How long does fluoxetine withdrawal last? ›

The severity and duration of fluoxetine withdrawal can vary. In many cases, withdrawal symptoms should resolve within 2 weeks. However, in some cases, symptoms may last for several weeks or months, or even longer than a year.

Can fluoxetine cause weight gain? ›

An average weight gain of 3 kg (6.6 lb) was observed over the entire 50-week period in the fluoxetine group, compared to 3.2 kg (7 lb) for the placebo group. Weight gain was associated with a poor appetite at the beginning of treatment and an improved appetite after depressive symptoms cleared.

Is fluoxetine the same as Xanax? ›

Xanax (alprazolam) and Prozac (fluoxetine) are used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. Prozac is used off-label for anxiety. Prozac is primarily used to treat depression, bulimia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Xanax and Prozac belong to different drug classes.

What are the major side effects of fluoxetine? ›

What side effects can this medication cause?
  • nervousness.
  • anxiety.
  • difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
  • nausea.
  • diarrhea.
  • dry mouth.
  • heartburn.
  • yawning.
Jan 15, 2022

What is the world no 1 antidepressant? ›

Sertraline, also known by the brand name Zoloft, used for multiple mental health and mood disorders, is the most prescribed antidepressant dispensed to U.S. patients on the list at more than 13%.

What are the top 5 strongest antidepressants? ›

Top 5 antidepressants to treat depression
  • Citalopram.
  • Escitalopram.
  • Fluoxetine.
  • Fluvoxamine.
  • Paroxetine.
  • Sertraline.

Does fluoxetine cause hair loss? ›

Fluoxetine is the most common SSRI causing hair loss [13]. In a review on this issue, hair loss was found to be present after fluoxetine use in 725 cases and in 6, 7, and only 3 cases using fluvoxamine, paroxetine, and sertraline, respectively [10].

Does fluoxetine speed up metabolism? ›

Fluoxetine increases resting energy expenditure and basal body temperature in humans - ScienceDirect.

Why is it so hard to lose weight on Prozac? ›

Key points. Antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and atypical antipsychotic drugs can inhibit serotonin-based regulation of the appetite function. Obesity can be a side effect of antidepressants even for those who have never had a problem maintaining a normal weight prior to treatment.

What are the benefits of coming off antidepressants? ›

Stopping antidepressants may lead to improved mental clarity, weight loss, and restored sexual function. It may also cause side effects, but these are typically mild and go away on their own. Anyone interested in learning more about stopping antidepressants should speak with a healthcare or mental health professional.

Do I need to taper off 10 mg Prozac? ›

When a person decides that they are ready to discontinue Prozac, a doctor will likely recommend gradually reducing their dosage. Tapering usually lasts several weeks. A doctor may suggest tapering the medication over 6 to 8 weeks to help reduce the risk or severity of symptoms.

Does anxiety come back after stopping fluoxetine? ›

The return of depression or anxiety usually takes longer – typically weeks or months. Some antidepressants, like fluoxetine, take a lot longer to leave the body. So, with these, symptoms can start days or even weeks after stopping or reducing your dose.

Is fluoxetine stronger than Zoloft? ›

Both medications provide the same effectiveness in preventing depressive episodes. However, Prozac is generally more effective in treating generalized anxiety disorder, whereas Zoloft is more effective in treating PTSD and social anxiety.

What does 20 mg of fluoxetine do to you? ›

Fluoxetine works by increasing the amount of serotonin (a natural substance) in your brain. Serotonin helps maintain mental health balance. An increase in serotonin helps to treat symptoms of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa, and panic attacks.

Why is fluoxetine so popular? ›

In December 1987, fluoxetine (which had now been branded as Prozac) received FDA approval for the treatment of major depression. Within a few months, Prozac sales outpaced the market leader Pamelor (a tricyclic), as physicians believed that Prozac was both safer and avoided the weight gain common with the tricyclics.

Is fluoxetine stronger than Lexapro? ›

For most people, a difference in intensity isn't noticeable between Prozac vs. Lexapro, though how effective each medication is can vary between people, which may be interpreted as “strength” of a medication.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.