Reclamație We nu mai da asa :) (2024)

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REZOLVATReclamație We nu mai da asa :)

Daca intampinati probleme la logare, folositi functia "Lost your password" sau add discord: Dey.#3590 (dey.wtfcs) . Multumim!

Reclamație We nu mai da asa :) (1)Reclamație We nu mai da asa :) (2)Reclamație We nu mai da asa :) (3)Reclamație We nu mai da asa :) (4)Reclamație We nu mai da asa :) (5)

[REZOLVAT]Reclamație We nu mai da asa :)

Author : LanceRR,Category : Reclamaţii Admini,6 Replyes,1280 Views


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12-29-2017, 12:08 AM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2017, 12:11 AM by LanceRR.)


Admin-ul reclamat : We nu mai da asa Reclamație We nu mai da asa :) (7)
Nick-ul tau : LanceR^
IP-ul tau :
Ora , data , harta : 22:45 , 28.12.2017 , mini_dust2_winter si 35hp_2_winter
Motivul : abuz si nerespectarea regulamentului
Punctul tau de vedere : Am dat votul in asa fel incat sa mai schimb rutina de pe server unde sunt aceleasi mape mereu (bycasnow , dust2 si aztec ) , tinand cont si de numarul de playeri . Adminul reclamat dupa ambele voturi a luat decizia sa schimbe pe dust2 , fara sa intrebe nimic ,fara sa dea vot , sa verifice timpul sau hartile jucate anterior, sustinand ca sunt prea multi playeri (eram in jur de 12 pe 35hp si in jur de 10 pe mini dust) . Din cate am vazut eu , Dey , in mapele pe care le-ai pus , astea 2 sunt trecute la medii si se pot juca foarte bine si in 15 insi . Sa nu mai vorbesc de atitudinea de superioritate pe care o are in fata mea , necunoscandu-ma . Din cate vad eu , experienta lui ca admin cam da de banuit . Am zis sa nu fac reclamatie aiurea pentru o schimbare de mapa , dar la fel a facut si a 2-a oara si deja e abuz . Cam atat am avut de zis.
Bineinteles nu se vede in snapshot ca el schimba mapa , dar daca nu ma crezi poti verifica log-ul vis-a-vis de tot ce am spus . CHEERS !
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Strong people don't put others down ...they lift 'em up !

Nicusor (bebe)



Points: 0€

12-29-2017, 12:25 AM


Daca tu consider ca este abuz , fiinca am schimba mapa din 35 hp in dast2 nu am schimbto de dragul de a schimba mapa o sa vezi dovata in cele 2 poze de mai jos .
1. Ai fost on la 4 mape de awp_bycasnow
2. Ai schimba apoi mapa in 35 hp serios ereau 23 de player nu 12
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3. Am vazut ca la nici una din cele 2 intamplari nu ai facut ss la jucatori oare dc ? Atat te intreb.
4. Te-am intrebat dc ai schimba mapa.

Cu tot respectul We !


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12-29-2017, 12:30 AM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2017, 12:34 AM by LanceRR.)


Se vede foarte clar in pozele de pe dust2 ca sunt 9 runde jucate , dupa ce ai schimbat-o , era si normal sa se adune mai multi playeri
Nu am fost on la 4 mape de bycastor , te rog sa ma luminezi si pe mine cu o dovada ceva..sau macar cum ti-a venit ideea .
Da , am intrat o data si intr-adevar era byca , am scris /harti si era iar byca , de 3 ori , dupa care am dat votul
Nu am reusit sa fac poze pentru ca imi apar pozele negre cand apas pe Print Screen in Cs .

P.S. : Fa un efort si scrie mai coerent te rog .


Strong people don't put others down ...they lift 'em up !


vLaD ;x


Points: 0€

12-29-2017, 12:31 AM


am prins si eu o mica discutie pe server intre cei 2 la care lancer tot cerea sa se bage minidust avand in vedere ca eram in jur de 7-7 sau 7-8 la joc adica 14-15 jucatori, nu mi se pare corect ca sa dai dustmini la atatia playeri si sa nu lasi dus2, atat am avut de zis
si in legatura cu reclamatia pentru asta, reclamatia in sine mi se pare un abuz.


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12-29-2017, 12:47 AM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2017, 12:56 AM by LanceRR.)


(12-29-2017, 12:31 AM)Fantastic! Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to prins si eu o mica discutie pe server intre cei 2 la care lancer tot cerea sa se bage minidust avand in vedere ca eram in jur de 7-7 sau 7-8 la joc adica 14-15 jucatori, nu mi se pare corect ca sa dai dustmini la atatia playeri si sa nu lasi dus2, atat am avut de zis
si in legatura cu reclamatia pentru asta, reclamatia in sine mi se pare un abuz.

Tu esti total pe langa , nu am cerut niciun minidust , s-a adus vorba despre el dupa ce a iesit la vot , si dupa ce We a schimbat iar pe dust2
Esti paralel , ai intrat dupa ce s-a intamplat toata treaba , nu inteleg de ce te-ai obosit sa lasi reply . Am inteles ca este mai vechi si incerci sa-i iei apararea dar...totusi


Strong people don't put others down ...they lift 'em up !

Nicusor (bebe)



Points: 0€

12-29-2017, 12:53 AM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2017, 12:59 AM by Nicusor (bebe).)


1. El si-a spus parerea > parerea este libera
2. Nu conteaza daca esti vechi sau nou regulile se aplica la fel
3.Te rog sa nu mai jignesti membri !
4. Dey o sa ia hotararea !

Cu tot respectul We


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Fondator WtfCs


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12-29-2017, 09:17 AM


N-am cuvinte. Hai sa ne certam acum pe harti.

2 lucruri am de spus, pe care le spun prea des in ultima perioada dar se pare ca o fac degeaba:

1. Regulamentul serverului si al adminilor, incep sa cred ca unii nu stiu sa citeasca.
2. Lasati superioritatea. Ma refer la majoritatea dintre voi!

Incepand din momentul asta, aveti toti cuvantul meu de onoare ca nici nu respecta regulamentul adminilor 100%, are -1 pana ajunge la slot. Nu ma intereseaza nici de VIP-uri nici de nimic.

P.S: aveti grija cu pika, ca scrie ceva in regulament legat de ea.



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Reclamație We nu mai da asa :) (2024)


How much money do you need to live well in Romania? ›

The official currency of Romania is the Romanian leu, but for easier comparison, the prices in this article are shown in euros. A married couple should expect to spend about €1,700 per month for a decent life in Romania in 2023. This includes such expenses as rent, utilities, food and some entertainment.

How hard is it for an American to move to Romania? ›

Visa to move to Romania from the USA

But when you are relocating to Romania from the USA you will require a valid visa to justify your entrance and stay in this country. You need to apply for a long-stay visa (D) when you plan to stay and work in Romania. A stay more than 90 days will require this visa, as well.

Are Romanian and Russian similar? ›

Contrary to what some may believe, Romanian is not a Slavic language like Russian; it is, in fact, a Romance language. This places it in the same linguistic family as Italian, Spanish, French, and Portuguese. The Romance languages all share a common ancestor: Latin.

Is Romania a good country to live in? ›

The pros of living in Romania are that it's central, low cost of living is relatively safe and has fast internet. The cons? English isn't always spoken. Some other cons of living in Bucharest include not too many healthy dining options, and the lack of a strong emigrants community.

Can I live in Romania as a US citizen? ›

Visits and Residence Permits

US citizens who intend to stay in Romania more than 90 days (long term stay) are exempted from the need to obtain a long-term D-type visa, but will have to apply with the Romanian Immigration Office for a temporary residence permit at least 30 days before their legal stay expires.

How much is a dozen eggs in Romania? ›

Eggs (dozen): 10ROM ($2.50)

Is Romania friendly with USA? ›

Today, Romania is a strong ally of the United States, and the two countries work together to build democracy, fight terrorism, and promote regional security and stability.

Is Romania American friendly? ›

Romania is safe and hospitable. All visitors are welcome!

Is it safe for an American to live in Romania? ›

Safety and Security in Romania

Particularly in Bucharest, pickpockets and bag-snatchers may congregate in places with high levels of foreigners, such as the airport concourse, public transport, and in railway stations. The emergency services number is 112. It is generally safe to live in Romania.

Are Romanians Slavic or Latino? ›

Romania is bordered by Slavic peoples on both its eastern and western borders and is significantly influenced by Slavic language and culture, but it is not Slavic. The Romanian language is descended from Latin, the language of the Romans. It is, therefore, a Romance language.

Who are Romanians closest related to? ›

The closest ethnic groups to the Romanians are the other Romanic peoples of Southeastern Europe: the Aromanians (Macedo-Romanians), the Megleno-Romanians, and the Istro-Romanians.

What is the closest language to Romanian? ›

Romanian is a Romance language, belonging to the Italic branch of the Indo-European language family, having much in common with languages such as Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese. Compared with the other Romance languages, the closest relative of Romanian is Italian.

Is Romania rich or poor? ›

That means Romania is in top 50 richest countries in the world. In year 2023, in Europe, Romania is ranked on position 12 by GDP, and on position 7 by Purchasing power parity (PPP). The country's economic growth has been one of the highest in the EU since 2010, it is expected to reach the EU average wealth by 2030.

What is a good salary in Romania? ›

Average salary overview

As of 2024, the average gross monthly salary in Romania stands at approximately 7,939 RON (Romanian Leu), equivalent to around €1,600. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that salary levels can vary significantly based on factors such as industry, job role, and geographic location.

What is a decent salary in Romania? ›

Average salary overview

As of 2024, the average gross monthly salary in Romania stands at approximately 7,939 RON (Romanian Leu), equivalent to around €1,600. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that salary levels can vary significantly based on factors such as industry, job role, and geographic location.

What is the average income in Romania in US dollars? ›

Median salary. Romania's median salary is 8,130 RON per month (approx 1,818 USD). This figure implies that half the Romanian population earns less than 8,130 RON every month, while the other half earns more than 8,130 RON per month.

How much money do I need for Romania? ›

The prices of everything have gone up a lot compared to previous years, but Romania remains a cheap country to visit. A budget of around €35 per person per day should be enough for thrifty travelers to cover food, without accommodation and plane tickets.

What is the minimum income level guaranteed in Romania? ›

After the Government held rounds of negotiations with representatives of the union and employer organizations regarding the increase in the minimum wage guaranteed for payment, a new Government Decision was issued establishing the monthly gross minimum wage as of July 2024 to be RON 3,700 (approximately EUR 743).

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.